
Alan William Gledhill
Born: April 12th, 1991
Died: November 24th, 2010
Alan William Gledhill "Al" has left this life but told his family "I'm ready for the next." Alan was born April 12, 1991 and passed at the young age of 19 on November 24, 2010. Alan was the baby of four children leaving behind his mother, stepfather, sister, two brothers, niece and nephew. Alan had many dreams and goals for his life - there was no limit for him as he was brilliant and confident in everything he did. Alan loved to work on vehicles, learning to change a tire at the tiny age of 4 and happily offering to change family and friends oil every chance he could. Alan was such a helpful person to all, always trying to please family and friends and never hesitating to take on a task or challenge. Alan will be missed dearly, he impacted every person that had a chance to meet him. Alan did not have a mean bone in his body - offering a homeless man his mp3 player to listen to his music was a small example of the generous and caring person he was. The world will not be the same without him but we all have learned so much from him. His kind actions, loving personality, positive attitude and need to give to others has impacted us all and helps us all to see the world differently. Alan we all love you so so much we know you are happy because "you gots this!" Services will be held on Saturday evening Dec. 4th.