
Maggie Cendejas Padilla
Born: May 21st, 2001
Died: March 26th, 2023
Maggie Cendejas Padilla passed away unexpectedly on March 26, 2023, at the age of twenty-one. She was born on May 21, 2001, in Salt Lake City, Utah to Magdalena Amador Padilla.
Maggie was beloved by many, she was a daughter, sister, granddaughter, cousin, niece, and a dear friend. She loved her fur babies, Charlotte, Panther, and Coco. As much as Maggie was loved, she had a lot of love to give. She had the biggest and most caring heart. Her laugh and smile were infectious and could fill a room. Her family remembers her as someone with a larger-than-life spirit. Maggie will forever be with us and will always be missed.
Maggie is survived by her mother; and siblings, Rodrigo and Shayla Padilla; and she will be layed to rest next to her bestfriend.
If you are planning to be at the burial, you are invited to bring helium filled baby blue balloons to be release at the burial site.
We love you so much Maggie.
Maggie Cendejas Padilla falleció inesperadamente el 26 de marzo de 2023, a la edad de veintiún años. Nació el 21 de mayo de 2001 en Salt Lake City, Utah, hija de Magdalena Amador Padilla.
Maggie era querida por muchos, era hija, hermana, nieta, prima, sobrina y una amable amiga. Amaba a sus perritos, Charlotte, Panther y Coco. Por mucho que Maggie fue amada, tenía mucho amor para dar. Ella tenía el corazón más grande y cariñoso. Su sonrisa era dulce y contagiosa. Su familia la recuerda como alguien con un espíritu más grande que la vida. Maggie siempre estará con nosotros y siempre la extrañaremos.
A Maggie le sobrevive su madre; y hermanos, Rodrigo y Shayla Padilla; y ella descansara junta a su mejor amigo.
Si usted planea asistir al cementerio, se le invita a traer globos llenos con helio color celeste (baby blue) para ser liberado en la tumba.